Inside of you there is a whole world, different from the one outside me. When I am happy you will find beautiful nature inside me, trees and clear sky. You will find calm blue sea when I am relaxing, & you will find rough desert when I am sad. I also have this stormy wind when I am angry, yet I have the beautiful rosy garden when I am in love. I wish you can choose which of those to always see inside of me, but you should accept them all if you want me, because thats how I am.
I'm imperfect.
No one is.

Love is something you can't touch, but feel it


Monday, April 11, 2016

Refashion Men Shirt into Off Shoulder Top with Sleeves

Hello! Its another DIY from me again! haha. Off shoulder top trends are coming around again and I've always wanted to purchase one myself but its really expensive to get one. So I've been searching online and there are plenty of DIY tutorials on making one using a men's shirt. After doing more research and watching lots of tutorials online, I've decided to finally make my own using my dad's old shirt.

Here's how i did it!

Materials :
1. Old Men Shirt
2. Fabric Scissors
3. Push Pins
4. Fabric Chalk
4. Elastics ( I used a 1/2" inch )

 1st lay down the shirt on a flat surface with the sleeves on the side.

2nd, measure the part where you want your off shoulder to be. There is no right or wrong way on cutting it off as long as its a straight line and you must not cut below the connecting part of the sleeves. ( Unless you dont want it to have sleeves. Get it? hahaha )

**TIPS : Use one of the buttons as guide ! **

Like this! :D
3rd,  fold and pin about 1/4" inches and 3/4" inches again so you can prevent fraying and create a loop for the elastic.

**TIPS : You'll fold in the width of the loop according to the width of your elastic but add a little more so it won't be hard to put in the elastic.  Ex : my elastic is 1'2" inches so i fold in 3/4" inches of loop "

4th, sew in the part where you pin.

**TIPS : Sew it close the the fold line. **

5th, I forgot to take photo of this process but of course finally put in the elastic band. The length of the elastic band depends on ur comfortable level as long as it doesnt fall off lol. Lastly, hand sew or machine sew to close the opening and you are done!


Thanks for reading! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below. Till next time!

Much love,

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