Inside of you there is a whole world, different from the one outside me. When I am happy you will find beautiful nature inside me, trees and clear sky. You will find calm blue sea when I am relaxing, & you will find rough desert when I am sad. I also have this stormy wind when I am angry, yet I have the beautiful rosy garden when I am in love. I wish you can choose which of those to always see inside of me, but you should accept them all if you want me, because thats how I am.
I'm imperfect.
No one is.

Love is something you can't touch, but feel it


Friday, March 25, 2016

Things i learn on my 19th Birthday

Hello everybody! Writing this the day after my birthday but not sure when I'm going post this. Anyways so yeah if you don't know I've just turned 19 on October 8. So, everything was happy and smooth since i've woke up. Went to college for classes, had presents and birthday song sang to me by my college mates ( So grateful to have them ) to babe fetching me from LRT, gave me a bouquet of roses for the 1st time.Well, everything was so smooth that i thought it was a dream cause it had been so long since i've properly celebrated my birthday so i thought to myself that today would be the day! But unfortunately, while on the way home babe's car tire decided to break into a big hole ( like seriously it broke ). So, we had to cancel all our plans for today which means no more movie date, hanging out and etc. Everything that I had planned in mind just shattered into pieces. I know its no big deal to others that think i still can celebrate it tmr or some other day right? But somehow to me celebrating another dayjust doesn't mean anything special to me anymore. Therefore, I was quiet the whole day, sad, locked myself in my room and cry. Childish you may say, but have you ever had a time where you felt like so happy and in sec you're so sad. So I decided to waste my last few hours of my birthday covering it with tears AGAIN ( some may know why its again... ) Anyways, because of me being so down and sad it affected the people around me. My parents don't know what's happening and doesn't even dare to buy a cake for me to celebrate whereas for babe who had been through so many things alone today and didn't whine a single bit to me.While I was so busy burying myself in my own tears, i forgot that babe is also probably sad because he didn't plan for the things that happened today. I forgot that he had to deal with the car, wait for the toll and settle everything all by himself today. But i was so lucky to have him not annoyed by me being sad because of not celebrating instead he comforted me, blamed himself and promised me to re celebrate for me. He stayed by my side the whole night through skype and insisted to watch me fall asleep. The amount of love he gave me today just made me thought of a birthday is really not about having big celebrations with tons of friends instead its so much more of a day for you to realise and appreciate the people around you who loves you and actually make effort to be there and remember your day. So i decided to stop being sad, threw all the negatives away and sit down in front of my laptop and blogged about this. I decided to list down all the happy things that happened today.

Happy things happened on my birthday :
1st time receiving gifts from my college mates
2nd time having them to sing a birthday song to me in every class we had that day
1st time receiving a bouquet of roses from babe
Lucky that we weren't hurt when the car broke down
Feeling grateful and loved to have had long conversation with my long lost friends and also the ones in overseas who actually made effort to wish me happy birthday
Feeling grateful to have lots of wishes from friends and family

Hmm, i think these are enough happy things to cover up all the negative ones that happened. Thanks for reading my long and maybe boring post of my birthday.

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