Inside of you there is a whole world, different from the one outside me. When I am happy you will find beautiful nature inside me, trees and clear sky. You will find calm blue sea when I am relaxing, & you will find rough desert when I am sad. I also have this stormy wind when I am angry, yet I have the beautiful rosy garden when I am in love. I wish you can choose which of those to always see inside of me, but you should accept them all if you want me, because thats how I am.
I'm imperfect.
No one is.

Love is something you can't touch, but feel it


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Victoria Jackson Cosmetics.

So I was walking around the Jusco is Maluri with my mom and we passed by this Victoria Jackson roadshow so i went and took a look and this friendly sales girl started to introduce me their lip products. So since she's so lovely and want to let me try on some, why not right? lol So she put on the lipstick/gloss/moisturizer for me and its just a slight hint of colour on my lips so its really natural and i prefer natural look as i don't really like make up just loves make up products, do you get me? lol Anyways I've got it because 1st I don't have a lip moisturizer/lipstick and 2nd its buy 1 get 3?! The salesgirl told me that I can purchase only one colour as its RM95 per colour, so why not pay RM85 and get 4 colours? So its a deal and i got it home :P Tried on the rest of the colours and heres the pictures!

 It comes in a small transparent bag and also a lip brush! 
 colour no. 1
 colour no. 2
 colour no.3
 colour no.4

P/S : My lips looked really dry and chipped but trust me after i put this on for awhile my lips are not dry anymore!

 Mines cocktail sweet! 
There's another set which is natural shades i think.
 Ohhhh ya i totally forgotten, one of the reason I've bought this is because of this membership! This salegirl told me that if i buy this lip product and others also can la but at a certain price range I'll get this VIP card. How this VIP card is so valuable is because i stand to get FREE MAKE UP FOR LIFE! FOR LIFE AHH. So if i have dinner/functions that need the help of make up, all i need to do is show up in their store with this card and i'll get free make up! Sooo gooodd! Besides as a member i get to have 50%off storewide on my birthday month?! How great! Other than that, I can even go to their store and learn FREE make up classes when i show this member card! SO MANY GOOD THINGSSSS. Want to have this awesome deal? You'll have to hurry because......
ONLY the membership number starting with 1 can enjoy the deal of FREE MAKE UP FOR LIFE. When the membership number starts from 2 means you'll still have free make up but only 5 times! *these are all according to the salesgirl ahh i'm just sharing this awesome deal to everyone hehe. So that's probably everything!
Hope this blogpost helps and of course thanks for reading!
